Hello! No Ripping !

Saturday, August 2, 2008 10:48 PM '
Drunken Wine
Ever drank wine before? Do you know i fancy wine more than any alcohol in the world? Ask why? Because i think it is the most classy drink. It takes effort, it takes time, it takes good skills, and it takes everything from the best of the best, to squeeze out a real, red, just nice, wine. I believe love has all the essence in just a glass of wine.

Disclaimer: It ain't my business if you have any fantasy while paying so much attention on the details.

This love,
Is like fire,
With me,
Burning in your flames.

For glamor,
For classic.

Sight of you,
Makes me breathless,
Your perfume,
Sexually arousing.

Into this deep,
Dense feeling of mysterious,
Rose of pink,
Triumph over a red rose.

Loving behind windows,
Kissing pass shadows,
Walking through illusions,
I was drunk.

One sip of wine,
To drown into you,
Just one night,
Embracing you in my arms.

Swaying the dance floor,
Lost in your beauty,
Strawberry filled,
As we kissed.

Diamond chandelier,
Silently dims,
Our kiss,

Just one glass,
Being spectacular,
Beyond passion,
Just heavenly.

One night,
True love's kiss,
Was like in a dream,
Falling in love.

Overwhelmed with alcohol,
Neither taste nor sense,
Only awareness,
Of your presence.

Shattered to pieces,
That was the last drop,
Of our perfect love,
Engulfed in sorrow.

This glass of wine,
Isn't yours,
Nor mine,
It's ours to experience.

One glass,
Sparked our love,
A bottle,
Never enough to forget you.

Love reflects wine,
Succulent in disguise,
Dry in feeling,
But drunk once savored.


Afandi Oh
Boon Woei
Hao Ran
Julian Loh
Kevin Saw
Michael Wan
Mun Keat
Min Huei
Wei Wen
Zuo Han

Basecode: Kodies

Picture: Flickr

Main Editor: Sam kon